Is There a Pattern When Betting on Prime Exch Id?

Randomness is hard for Prime Exch Id players to deal with because it is hard to understand that there isn't always a pattern to find. This makes it hard for us to use our instincts because it means we can't fully predict some things. We seem to be stuck in a world where everything is set in stone and nothing can change. Obviously, there is no such place outside of our heads. Our inability to deal with things that don't follow a plan shows up in many parts of life. We believe in horoscope and that Jupiter's position affects our health, so when our doctor tells us we have cancer, we look for reasons and someone to blame.

In the same way, we don't see that natural tragedies can kill both good and bad people at random. Even if you live well and eat well, don't be surprised if you have that one annoying uncle who spends his life smoking cigars and getting drunk and outlives you. Of course, drinking too much is still bad for your health, but things you can't control can cause you to die even if you don't drink too much.